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"And He [Jesus] was saying, “The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; and he goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts and grows—how, he himself does not know.  The soil produces crops by itself; first the blade, then the head, then the mature grain in the head.  But when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.” - Mark 4: 26-29

Without this first step on our part, the following "tips" will be ineffective. 

The first step: Jesus told them, "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the LORD of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." (Luke 10:2)  Prayer is the greatest and most powerful tool we have in our spiritual repertoire. The knees of our jeans should be just as worn out, if not more warn out, than our jaw. 

How do we know when it's harvest time? 

If you were a farmer you would know when there is fruit. 

 The fruit of a brand-new believer is evidenced in different ways. Here's just a few to get you started: 

  •  They are honest about their sin and seek to be freed from the guilt and hurt that it brings. 

  •  They have a positive view of God and His love for them.  

  •  They ask you about going to church and what it's all about.  

  •  They show that they lack the ability to be their own god and desire God's guidance and Lordship, instead. This will become evident as they start to trust what the bible says over what they would naturally choose. 

  •  They begin to reconcile with people they normally wouldn't bother reconciling with. 

Fruit can be cultivated in a new believer's life by the prompting of such questions as : 

  • Have you thought about getting baptized (assuming you talked to them about it in CULTIVATE)? 

  • Do you understand the Gospel? 

  • Do you want to come to Church? 

  • Are there people who you have broken relationships with that -if given some effort- you think you could reconciled with? (This is an important question because it presents a practical action that correlates to the gospel of God reconciling us to Himself even when we were His enemies- Romans 5:8).  No one has ever done worse to us than what we have done to Jesus. 

  • Eventually, the straight up question has to be asked (he immediately, puts in the sickle)- "Will you surrender your life to Jesus, accept His forgiveness of sin, and follow Him for the rest of your life?"  


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